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DNF Issue

I am preparing to release LiterateX and implemented RPM packaging. It seems that people who use RPM-based distributions currently use DNF for package management. When installing my package, however, not all of the files were installed! I spent too much time trying to debug the issue and finally figured it out. I am writing this blog entry because it may help others solve the issue more quickly.

The Issue

The RPM file, created by first creating a source RPM (SRPM) and running rpmbuild --rebuild to build the binary RPM from the source RPM, contains all of the files that should be installed.

[literatex] $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/build:/host:ro fedora:34 \
  rpm -qlp /host/literatex-haskell-

When installed using dnf, however, none of the files under /usr/share are installed! Running the install command with verbose output gives no clues.

[literatex] $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/build:/host:ro fedora:34 \
[root@c9ebc90b6a13 /]# dnf install -v -y \
[root@c9ebc90b6a13 /]# literatex --version
[root@c9ebc90b6a13 /]# test -d /usr/share/doc/literatex-haskell \
  || echo not found
not found
[root@c9ebc90b6a13 /]# test -f /usr/share/man/man1/literatex.1.gz \
  || echo not found
not found

Installing with yum has the same results.

[literatex] $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/build:/host:ro fedora:34 \
[root@8a372c0a7e50 /]# yum localinstall -v -y \
[root@8a372c0a7e50 /]# literatex --version
[root@8a372c0a7e50 /]# test -d /usr/share/doc/literatex-haskell \
  || echo not found
not found
[root@8a372c0a7e50 /]# test -f /usr/share/man/man1/literatex.1.gz \
  || echo not found
not found

The issue does not happen when using the rpm command. All of the files are installed.

[literatex] $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/build:/host:ro fedora:34 \
[root@b89504bdbe46 /]# rpm -i \
[root@b89504bdbe46 /]# literatex --version
[root@b89504bdbe46 /]# ls /usr/share/doc/literatex-haskell
LICENSE.gz  changelog.gz
[root@b89504bdbe46 /]# ls /usr/share/man/man1/literatex.1.gz

The Cause

The RPM file contains all of the files, and the rpm command installs all of the files, so I searched for some kind of configuration that makes yum/dnf not install files that are not necessary to run a program. I finally found a DNF configuration option called tsflags that sets RPM transactions options. The value nodocs sets RPM transaction flag RPMTRANS_FLAG_NODOCS!

There is no further documentation about this flag, unfortunately. I observe that files under %{_mandir} and %{_datadir}/doc/%{name} are not installed when this flag is set. I wonder if files under %{_datadir}/%{name} are installed or not, as such files may be required by the software. LiterateX does not have such files, so I will not worry about it at this time.

Checking the DNF configuration of the Docker container, the nodocs flag is indeed set. Its use makes sense because container images should be kept small, but it is unfortunate that the behavior is not documented in the description of the fedora image.

[literatex] $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/build:/host:ro fedora:34 \
[root@bd140b7da91c /]# grep nodocs /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

After removing this flag, dnf installs all files.

[root@bd140b7da91c /]# sed -i '/^tsflags=/d' /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
[root@bd140b7da91c /]# dnf install -v -y \
[root@bd140b7da91c /]# literatex --version
[root@bd140b7da91c /]# ls /usr/share/doc/literatex-haskell
LICENSE.gz  changelog.gz
[root@bd140b7da91c /]# ls /usr/share/man/man1/literatex.1.gz

Travis Cardwell

