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lsupg Nix Path and Release

I made one more change to the lsupg Nix component this morning. I added a --nix-path CLI option that can be used to specify the Nix configuration file to use.

Usage: lsupg [--debug] [-f|--format FORMAT] [--docker IMAGE] [--nix-path PATH]
             [COMPONENT ...]
  list items that can be upgraded

Available options:
  -h,--help                show this help text
  --version                show version and exit
  --debug                  show debug output
  -f,--format FORMAT       output format (default: human)
  --docker IMAGE           Docker image
  --nix-path PATH          check Nix upgrades against PATH (default:
  COMPONENT ...            components (default: all)

  human, csv, json, yaml

  apk     Alpine Linux packages
  apt     Debian packages
  dnf     Fedora packages
  nix     Nix packages
  pacman  Arch Linux packages

Exit codes:
  0  no upgrades available
  1  program error
  2  program usage error
  3  one or more upgrades available

I went ahead and released version with the new Nix component implementation. Download the static binary from the release page to try it out!