Website Updates
I have recently made some updates to this website.
Inline Code Style
Inline code blocks that include spaces were not easy to read with the
previous style. Sentences that included more than one inline code block
were particularly difficult to read. Taking inspiration from GitHub, I
changed the style to format inline code
with a smaller font
and a gray background. Rounded rectangles are used to indicate the
beginning and end of the inline code block. When an inline code black is
wrapped, the background at the beginning and end of the line is not
rounded, indicating that the include code block is wrapped.
Series Type
Article series can now be configured to be one of the following types:
This setting determines how series are listed in the articles index page as well as on an article page.
The unordered
setting causes the articles in a series to be
itemized using bullets. The ordered
setting causes the
articles in a series to be enumerated using numbers. The
setting causes the articles in the series to not be
shown at all. This setting will be used with “tagged index series”
(coming soon).
Note that this settings does not affect how articles are listed on tag index pages or in RSS feeds.
Public Draft Status
I implemented a public draft status that renders articles and blog entries but does not include them in indexes or RSS feeds. This will allow me to solicit feedback about articles before publishing them.