Overflow While Parsing IPv4 Addresses (Part 3)
I went for a hike in the mountains this afternoon, and I realized that a comment in my ip overflow bug fix was inaccurate. I wrote:
function is avoided because it supports more than ASCII digits and is therefore slower thanord d - 48
One should indeed avoid digitToInt, but I misremembered the details. It only supports ASCII digits, but it supports hex digits and therefore does various range checking. I checked the source to confirm and realized that there is room for further improvement!
isDigit :: Char -> Bool
isDigit c = (fromIntegral (ord c - ord '0') :: Word) <= 9
digitToInt :: Char -> Int
digitToInt c
| (fromIntegral dec::Word) <= 9 = dec
| (fromIntegral hexl::Word) <= 5 = hexl + 10
| (fromIntegral hexu::Word) <= 5 = hexu + 10
| otherwise = errorWithoutStackTrace ("Char.digitToInt: not a digit " ++ show c) -- sigh
= ord c - ord '0'
dec = ord c - ord 'a'
hexl = ord c - ord 'A' hexu
One should follow Alexis King’s advice: “Parse,
don’t validate!” For example, here is a function that parses a
decimal digit, using a different function name primarily to distinguish
it from the function above. (A function that parses hex digits could be
named maybeHexDigitToInt
maybeDigitToInt :: Char -> Maybe Int
maybeDigitToInt c let d = Char.ord c - 48
in if d >= 0 && d <= 9 then Just d else Nothing
This function checks that the character is a digit and coverts it to
an Int
. This function is also total, while the digitToInt
function is not total because it can throw an error.
As for the ip overflow
bug fix, I
updated the readOctet
function to the following:
readOctet :: TextRead.Reader Word
= do
readOctet t let (digits, rest) = Text.span Char.isDigit t
go d f n let d' = Char.ord d - 48
= n * 10 + d'
n' in if d' >= 0 && d' <=9 && n' <= 255 then f n' else Nothing
$ Left "octet does not start with a digit"
when (Text.null digits) case Text.foldr go Just digits 0 of
Just n -> Right (fromIntegral n, rest)
Nothing -> Left ipOctetSizeErrorMsg
(Note: This code is written to match the style of the ip source.)
The relevant comment now reads:
functions are avoided in order to avoiding checking the range more than once. This implementation callsord
(once) and uses the result for both the range check and the calculation.