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GHC 9.2.1 Support

Work toward preparing a Stackage snapshot for GHC 9.2 has started, tracked in a pull request. I checked that TTC still works with GHC 9.2.1 soon after the new version was released, but projects with more dependencies had some dependency issues. Since I have not had much time during November, I decided to wait a bit and try again after people have had time to update dependency bounds and fix issues. I tried again yesterday, and all of my public projects now work with and test against GHC 9.2.1!

Queue Sheet uses the Ginger template library, which needed an update to the bytestring dependency range because GHC 9.2.1 uses a new version. My current configuration uses allow-newer to relax the constraints, and I submitted a pull request to extend the bounds in the source package.

I am really happy to see that so much works with GHC 9.2.1 already!


Travis Cardwell


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