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HMock with MonadRandom

One effect that can complicate tests is randomness. The random library provides a pure API for pseudo-random number generation, and a constant seed can be used to get repeatable results that are suitable for testing. A test can be written by first specifying the constant seed and then adjusting the test to use the values that are generated given that seed, which is somewhat inelegant. Would it be possible to instead use HMock with MonadRandom to mock random value generation at a high level?

The MonadRandom type class provides the following methods:

class Monad m => MonadRandom m where
    getRandomR  :: Random a => (a, a) -> m  a
    getRandom   :: Random a =>           m  a
    getRandomRs :: Random a => (a, a) -> m [a]
    getRandoms  :: Random a =>           m [a]

Unfortunately, it cannot be used with HMock directly because the methods have polymorphic return types that are not Typeable. The HMock documentation indicates that a Typeable constraint must be added to methods in order to match exact calls. Attempting to use makeMockable results in the following error:

/path/to/Experiment.hs:24:1: error:
    Cannot derive Mockable because Control.Monad.Random.Class.MonadRandom has no mockable methods.
24 | HMock.makeMockable [t|MonadRandom|]
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As an experiment, I tried defining a “wrapper” class, a tactic similar to the one I used in the Mocking FileStatus blog entry. The class is the same as MonadRandom except that it adds a Typeable constraint to all of the methods. The DefaultSignatures extension is used to delegate the implementation to the MonadRandom instance, with INLINE pragmas to ensure that no overhead is introduced by the wrapper.

class Monad m => MonadTypeableRandom m where
  getRandomR :: (Rand.Random a, Typeable a) => (a, a) -> m a

  default getRandomR
    :: (Rand.MonadRandom m, Rand.Random a, Typeable a)
    => (a, a) -> m a
  getRandomR = Rand.getRandomR
  {-# INLINE getRandomR #-}

  getRandom :: (Rand.Random a, Typeable a) => m a

  default getRandom
    :: (Rand.MonadRandom m, Rand.Random a, Typeable a)
    => m a
  getRandom = Rand.getRandom
  {-# INLINE getRandom #-}

  getRandomRs :: (Rand.Random a, Typeable a) => (a, a) -> m [a]

  default getRandomRs
    :: (Rand.MonadRandom m, Rand.Random a, Typeable a)
    => (a, a) -> m [a]
  getRandomRs = Rand.getRandomRs
  {-# INLINE getRandomRs #-}

  getRandoms :: (Rand.Random a, Typeable a) => m [a]

  default getRandoms
    :: (Rand.MonadRandom m, Rand.Random a, Typeable a)
    => m [a]
  getRandoms = Rand.getRandoms
  {-# INLINE getRandoms #-}

As mentioned in the HMock with DefaultSignatures blog entry, makeMockable is incompatible with DefaultSignatures in the current release. Chris Smith approved my fix, so I submitted a pull request this morning. With the fix applied, makeMockable works with the above class.

HMock.makeMockable [t|MonadTypeableRandom|]

I used to the following trivial example function to test:

example :: MonadTypeableRandom m => m Bool
example = (== 0) <$> getRandomR (0, 1 :: Int)

The test case matches the exact call and returns a constant return value:

testCase "experiment" . HMock.runMockT $ do
    HMock.expect $ GetRandomR_ anything |=>
      \(GetRandomR (0, 1 :: Int)) -> pure 0
    liftIO . assertBool "True" =<< example

This kind of wrapper class could be used in simple cases where MonadRandom is only used directly, but it does not help in the more common cases where MonadRandom is (also) used via libraries. In some cases, it might be worth creating type classes that represent the randomness used in the application at a high level. The implementations of the methods could use MonadRandom internally, while MonadRandom is kept out of other application functions. Otherwise, one can simply add a StdGen value to the state of the application monad (or use RandT) and test using a constant seed as usual.

The above code is available on GitHub.