Makefile foreach Commands
In preparation for writing some articles about Make templates,
I am making some improvements to the Makefile
s used in my
projects. I use diff (or
a graphical diff program such as meld) to easily see which parts of a
project Makefile
are specific to that project. It is
preferable to put as much project-specific information as possible in
variables at the top of the Makefile
. Some projects have
multiple executables, so some rules require iterating over the list of
executables. The foreach
function can be used to do this, and it illustrates some frustrations
described in The Make
Dilemma blog entry.
The PhatSort
project has two executables: phatsort
and seqcp. The Makefile
defines a variable named EXECUTABLES
that lists these. Note
that Make variables are actually macros, and this macro acts as a list
because Make splits on whitespace.
EXECUTABLES := phatsort seqcp
The install-man
rule installs man pages for each
executable. It makes a good example because it is very simple. Without
, it uses a separate command to install
each man page. I would rather use a generic version of the rule so that
it does not have to be customized for each project.
install-man: # install man page(s)
> @mkdir -p "$(man1dir)/phatsort.1.gz"
> @install -m 0644 -T <(gzip -c doc/phatsort.1) "$(man1dir)/seqcp.1.gz"
> @install -m 0644 -T <(gzip -c doc/seqcp.1) .PHONY: install-man
The foreach function expands text for each value of the passed list, concatenating all of the text together. In the following implementation, the semicolon at the end of the command is required because all of the commands are concatenated together and run as a single command by Make.
install-man: # install man page(s)
> @mkdir -p $(foreach EXE,$(EXECUTABLES), \
> @ install -m 0644 -T <(gzip -c doc/$(EXE).1) "$(man1dir)/$(EXE).1.gz" ; \
).PHONY: install-man
This function works, but it ignores errors in all but the last
command. This is not desirable because errors allow the developer to
find issues quickly. We want the macro to execute each
command as separate commands. This is done by
putting them on separate lines.
Since Make operates using text-substitution, the semicolon just needs
to be replaced by a newline. Make does not provide a built-in way to
insert a newline (such as \n
). The easiest way to create
one is to define a macro for it.
define newline
The newline
macro is defined using two empty
lines because Make ignores the final newline. The
rule can be rewritten using this macro. Note
that the @
character, used to instruct Make to not display
the command before executing it, is moved inside of the macro. This
simple example runs one command per executable, but multiple commands
can be run by putting newlines at the end of each command. The
character can be used on each command separately,
selecting which to (not) display.
install-man: # install man page(s)
> @mkdir -p $(foreach EXE,$(EXECUTABLES), \
> @install -m 0644 -T <(gzip -c doc/$(EXE).1) "$(man1dir)/$(EXE).1.gz" $(newline) \
).PHONY: install-man
The foreach
function is expanded to text before the rule is parsed, so each
line is interpreted as a separate command. I guess it has some leeway
about the prefix character (the leading >
character in
this example, tab by default).
Testing this, I find that it does not work as desired for a different reason! I used process substitution in order to compress the man page in the same command that writes the file to the destination and sets the permissions, but errors within the process substitution command do not cause the calling command to fail!
The following version first copies the man page to the destination directory, setting the permissions, and then compresses the destination file in place using a separate command. This version correctly fails when the source man page is not found.
install-man: # install man page(s)
> @mkdir -p $(foreach EXE,$(EXECUTABLES), \
> @install -m 0644 "doc/$(EXE).1" "$(man1dir)" $(newline) \
@gzip "$(man1dir)/$(EXE).1" $(newline) \
.PHONY: install-man
I selected this rule because it is simple, and yet it had a bug in it! I would really like to avoid shell scripts and Make…