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Fcitx 5 Issues (Part 2)

Yesterday, I wrote about two Fcitx 5 issues that I ran into while configuring a new system. This morning, I removed Fcitx 5 and installed Fcitx 4. I did not expect to have either issue with Fcitx 4, but one persists!

The new system is configured very similarly to my current daily driver. Both systems run Arch Linux, X.Org, and i3. I use rxvt-unicode with Fcitx 4 and Mozc on the daily driver without issue. I hoped to use Fcitx 5 on the new system, but sticking with Fcitx 4 is not a problem, so I reconfigured the new system to have the same software and configuration as I use on my daily driver.

Japanese Keyboard

I do not have the Japanese keyboard issue with Fcitx 4. The 「カタカナ/ひらがな」 works.

I still do not know why it does not work with Fcitx 5. I had an idea and tried it out, but it did not resolve the issue. The Fcitx 5 global options included the following defaults:

  • Activate Input Method: Hangul Hanja
  • Deactivate Input Method: Hangul Romaja

I am not using a Korean keyboard, and I figured that one of those keys might happen to use the same keycode as the 「カタカナ/ひらがな」 key (code 93). I removed those key bindings, but issue persists.

Terminal Input

I still have the terminal input issue with Fcitx 4. When I use rxvt-unicode, an OffTheSpot preedit window is displayed instead of an OverTheSpot preedit window. As with Fcitx 5, Alacrity uses OverTheSpot without issue.

I confirmed that I have the same configuration on both systems, copying the configuration for both Fcitx 4 and rxvt-unicode from the daily driver to the new system to ensure that the files are identical. The Fcitx 5 configuration is removed. I updated and rebooted both systems, and I used the fcitx-diagnose script to confirm that the Fcitx 4 installations are identical. The issue persisted.

I tried removing the configuration on my daily driver, letting Fcitx 4 recreate the initial configuration. Oddly, the recreated configuration was close to the desired configuration. Usually it starts out with an English keyboard configuration, so I have to reconfigure it to use a Japanese keyboard. The recreated configuration used a Japanese keyboard, so I only needed to configure the dark theme. The system still used an OverTheSpot preedit with rxvt-unicode.

Perhaps there is some other state that I do not know about. I searched the /etc and /var directories but did not find any possibilities. I used pacman -Ql to list files installed by the following packages but did not find any possibilities.

At this point, I still have no idea why I get different behavior on the two systems running the same versions of the software with the same configuration. Perhaps I should dig further and use strace to figure out every file that these programs access, but I currently do not have time for that. Perhaps I should give up on rxvt-unicode and use Alacrity instead.


Travis Cardwell


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