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Project Releases

Busy with infant care, I put major projects on hold and have only been doing small tasks. I refactored all my project Makefiles a few months ago, in preparation for a series of articles on the subject. Since I will create new releases for all of the projects, I have been completing various tasks that I would like to include in the releases. My two-dimensional checklist (check-matrix?) is complete, so I started creating the releases yesterday.

As I mentioned in the horizontal-rule blog entry, I decided to go ahead and put more of my Haskell projects on Hackage. Many such utility projects are published there, allowing people to easily install them using cabal install or stack install, without having to first clone the repository.

I created releases for projects that do not have a new Hackage package first. Base is not implemented in Haskell. TTC is already on Hackage. I created a release for LiterateX (which is already on Hackage) early because I needed to bump a dependency version. I also created a release for lsupg because I will not release it on Hackage. It needs to be statically compiled, so one cannot simply use cabal install or stack install to build it.

I then created a release for hr. I am currently giving Hackage some time to process the new package before adding it to Stackage. I am about to go offline for a bit, but I hope to finish that later today. It will take some time before the horizontal-rule package is included in a Stackage release, of course.