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Data types à la carte

I am reviewing (making sure I understand) some classic Haskell papers. The first up is Wouter Swierstra’s Data types à la carte (CiteSeer), first published in 2008. Inspired by Sandy Maguire, I am writing this blog entry as part of my review.

This blog entry is written in Literate Haskell, using LiterateX to render the HTML. The source code is available on GitHub. Note that the code is in the order used in the paper.


This implementation uses the following GHC extensions.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

It is implemented as a library so that it is easy to experiment with using GHCi. As a convention, functions with names starting with main have type IO (), providing an easy way to run various tests from within GHCi.

module DTALC where

The following imports are used.

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (getChar, putChar, readFile, writeFile)

Fixing the expression problem

This section shows how to represent expressions without using a sum type that specifies all valid constructors. Being able to separate/modularize the parts of an expression resolves the famous “expression problem.”

The following defines a recursive data type to represent expressions. Type parameter f specifies the type constructor(s) that can be used in an expression. It takes a type parameter that specifies the type of the expression (Expr f), used in the recursive parts.

newtype Expr f = In (f (Expr f))

Perhaps it is worthwhile to compare this definition to the Expr definition in the paper introduction. In the introduction, Expr is a sum type that specifies all valid (value) constructors. The Add constructor has recursive arguments, allowing the addition of expressions (not just values). In the above definition, type f can be used to specify all valid types, using separate types instead of a single sum type. On the right-hand-side, f (Expr f) specifies that a value of Expr f is a value of one of the types specified by “signature” f, with recursive parts of type Expr f. A newtype is required for the type system, using In to construct values of Expr.

The Val and Add types are given as initial examples. The IntExprand AddExpr shows how these can be used with the above Expr type, but note that they are not otherwise used.

newtype Val e = Val Int
type IntExpr = Expr Val

data Add e = Add e e
type AddExpr = Expr Add

The following defines a type-level operator that represents the coproduct of two signatures. It requires the TypeOperators extension. It is used like a list constructed from cons pairs, with left cells indicating type constructors and right cells pointing to the next pair, except that the chain ends with the final right cell pointing to a type constructor instead of null. The operator is marked as right-associative so that these chains are constructed correctly. There are better ways to implement this, but they are not discussed in this paper.

data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e) | Inr (g e)
infixr 8 :+:

This type operator is infix, but it has an additional type parameter e. Note that (f :+: g) e could alternatively be written (:+:) f g e.

The following addExample definition illustrates how bad it would be to create expressions using just the above definitions.

addExample :: Expr (Val :+: Add)
addExample = In (Inr (Add (In (Inl (Val 118))) (In (Inl (Val 1219)))))


This section shows how to evaluate expressions.

The Functor definitions are straightforward. Note that I use the InstanceSigs extension to explicitly write the specialized signatures for all instance methods in this implementation. Though it is likely unhelpful in this case, such explicit signatures can help understand more complex definitions. I also avoid deriving any instances so that the definitions are explicit.

instance Functor Val where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Val a -> Val b
  fmap _f (Val x) = Val x

instance Functor Add where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Add a -> Add b
  fmap f (Add x y) = Add (f x) (f y)

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :+: g) where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f :+: g) a -> (f :+: g) b
  fmap f = \case
    Inl e -> Inl (fmap f e)
    Inr e -> Inr (fmap f e)

Note that there are a few (unimportant) stylistic changes in the above code. I use _f in the Val instance to indicate that the function is not used in the definition. I also use the LambdaCase extension.

The foldExpr function folds an expression using the provided “algebra.” It uses the Functor instances to traverse the recursive parts. Perhaps due to my Scheme background, I prefer to use a helper function for the recursion, with the first argument in scope. Since the type signature for the helper function references type variables in the type signature of foldExpr, the ScopedTypeVariables extension is required.

foldExpr :: forall f a. Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Expr f -> a
foldExpr f = go
    go :: Expr f -> a
    go (In t) = f (fmap go t)

An algebra is defined for evaluating expressions. The use of a type class allows evaluation of each part of an expression to be defined separately.

class Functor f => Eval f where
  evalAlgebra :: f Int -> Int

The instances are straighforward. The type signatures clearly show that the type parameters are Int when performing evaluation (not Expr f). This illustrates the versatility of the abstract definitions.

instance Eval Val where
  evalAlgebra :: Val Int -> Int
  evalAlgebra (Val x) = x

instance Eval Add where
  evalAlgebra :: Add Int -> Int
  evalAlgebra (Add x y) = x + y

instance (Eval f, Eval g) => Eval (f :+: g) where
  evalAlgebra :: (f :+: g) Int -> Int
  evalAlgebra = \case
    Inl x -> evalAlgebra x
    Inr y -> evalAlgebra y

The eval function implements evaluation using foldExpr and evalAlgebra.

eval :: Eval f => Expr f -> Int
eval = foldExpr evalAlgebra

The example evaluates addExample.

mainEvalAddExample :: IO ()
mainEvalAddExample = print $ eval addExample

Automating injections

This section shows how to avoid having to manually write out all of the constructors like was done in addExample. A type class is used to define a constraint that asserts that a specific type is a member of a signature. The inj method represents injection, while the prj method discussed at the end of the next section represents the partial inverse.

class (Functor sub, Functor sup) => sub :<: sup where
  inj :: sub a -> sup a
  prj :: sup a -> Maybe (sub a)

Since this class has two parameters, the MultiParamTypeClasses extension is required.

The instances are very straightforward. Note that the FlexibleInstances extension is required because f is not a distinct type variable. The paper notes the overlapping instances, and the final instance needs to be annotated with OVERLAPPABLE to compile.

instance Functor f => f :<: f where
  inj :: f a -> f a
  inj = id

  prj :: f a -> Maybe (f a)
  prj = Just

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => f :<: (f :+: g) where
  inj :: f a -> (f :+: g) a
  inj = Inl

  prj :: (f :+: g) a -> Maybe (f a)
  prj = \case
    Inl e  -> Just e
    Inr _e -> Nothing

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
  (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, f :<: g) => f :<: (h :+: g) where
    inj :: f a -> (h :+: g) a
    inj = Inr . inj

    prj :: (h :+: g) a -> Maybe (f a)
    prj = \case
      Inl _e -> Nothing
      Inr e  -> prj e

The smart constructors are implemented using an inject helper function. The FlexibleContexts extension is required because non-type-variable arguments are used in the constraint. Note that I implement the smart constructor for Add as %+% instead of using Unicode.

inject :: (g :<: f) => g (Expr f) -> Expr f
inject = In . inj

val :: (Val :<: f) => Int -> Expr f
val x = inject (Val x)

(%+%) :: (Add :<: f) => Expr f -> Expr f -> Expr f
x %+% y = inject (Add x y)
infixl 6 %+%

These smart constructors are much more convenient than the constructors used in addExample!

addExample2 :: Expr (Val :+: Add)
addExample2 = val 30000 %+% val 1330 %+% val 7

mainEvalAddExample2 :: IO ()
mainEvalAddExample2 = print $ eval addExample2


This section shows how new expression terms and functions can be added without having to change the implementation of existing terms and functions.

Multiplication is implemented as Mul. Note that I implemented the smart constructor for Mul as %*% instead of using Unicode.

data Mul e = Mul e e

instance Functor Mul where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Mul a -> Mul b
  fmap f (Mul x y) = Mul (f x) (f y)

instance Eval Mul where
  evalAlgebra :: Mul Int -> Int
  evalAlgebra (Mul x y) = x * y

(%*%) :: (Mul :<: f) => Expr f -> Expr f -> Expr f
x %*% y = inject (Mul x y)
infixl 7 %*%

The examples demonstrate how this new term can be used with the existing terms.

mulExample :: Expr (Val :+: Add :+: Mul)
mulExample = val 80 %*% val 5 %+% val 4

mainEvalMulExample :: IO ()
mainEvalMulExample = print $ eval mulExample

mulExample2 :: Expr (Val :+: Mul)
mulExample2 = val 6 %*% val 7

mainEvalMulExample2 :: IO ()
mainEvalMulExample2 = print $ eval mulExample2

Pretty printing is implemented using the Render type class.

class Render f where
  render :: Render g => f (Expr g) -> String

pretty :: Render f => Expr f -> String
pretty (In t) = render t

Like evaluation, instances are defined for each term as well as (:+:).

instance Render Val where
  render :: Render g => Val (Expr g) -> String
  render (Val i) = show i

instance Render Add where
  render :: Render g => Add (Expr g) -> String
  render (Add x y) = "(" ++ pretty x ++ " + " ++ pretty y ++ ")"

instance Render Mul where
  render :: Render g => Mul (Expr g) -> String
  render (Mul x y) = "(" ++ pretty x ++ " * " ++ pretty y ++ ")"

instance (Render f, Render g) => Render (f :+: g) where
  render :: Render h => (f :+: g) (Expr h) -> String
  render = \case
    Inl x -> render x
    Inr y -> render y

I implement a Show instance for convenience.

instance Render f => Show (Expr f) where
  show :: Expr f -> String
  show = pretty

The example pretty-prints mulExample.

mainPrettyMulExample :: IO ()
mainPrettyMulExample = print mulExample

I think that the discussion about prj is very important. When using a sum type, one can pattern-match against all of the constructors of that type, but this is not possible using Expr. This discussion shows how to use prj to match constructors, specifying the appropriate type constraints. The match function simply unwraps the Expr constructor and calls prj on the wrapped value.

match :: (g :<: f) => Expr f -> Maybe (g (Expr f))
match (In t) = prj t

The distr function applies the distributive law on the outermost constructors of an expression. It is used for term rewriting. As shown, however, it only works when the right multiplicand is an addition. It does not work when the left multiplicand is an addition. The following version supports both.

distr :: forall f. (Add :<: f, Mul :<: f) => Expr f -> Maybe (Expr f)
distr t = distrL <|> distrR
    distrL :: Maybe (Expr f)
    distrL = do
      Mul a b <- match t
      Add c d <- match b
      return (a %*% c %+% a %*% d)

    distrR :: Maybe (Expr f)
    distrR = do
      Mul a b <- match t
      Add c d <- match a
      return (c %*% b %+% d %*% b)

The paper states that an algebra can be defined to fold over an expression to uniformly apply the distributive law using distr, but no code is provided. I tried implementing this myself, but I do not yet know how to write an algebra (type f a -> a) to do this. A type class should not be required, as no new functionality needs to be implemented per term. Also, it cannot be done in a single pass because one rewrite may enable further rewrites in sub-expressions.

I tried implementing this using the following function, which uses mutually-recursive helper functions. The go function traverses (sub-)expressions, possibly rewriting them from the buttom up using the f' function. The f' function attempts to rewrite an expression using the passed rewrite function. If the expression is rewritten, go is called on the result so that any newly enabled rewrites in sub-expressions can be performed.

  :: forall f. Functor f
  => (Expr f -> Maybe (Expr f)) -> Expr f -> Expr f
rewriteExpr f = go
    go :: Expr f -> Expr f
    go (In t) = f' (In (fmap go t))

    f' :: Expr f -> Expr f
    f' e = maybe e go (f e)

This function works fine when using GHC 8.10.7, but compilation fails when using GHC 9.0.2 with a “simplifier ticks exhausted.” The error persists when I replace f' with id, so the problem is with the recursion in the go helper function. It is very similar to the foldExpr definition, except that it returns expressions instead of folded values. Simplifying, even definition rewriteExpr f (In t) = In (fmap (rewriteExpr f) t) causes the error.

Using GHC 8.10.7, the rewriteDistr function is a helper function that uses rewriteExpr to rewrite an expression using just the distr function.

rewriteDistr :: (Add :<: f, Mul :<: f) => Expr f -> Expr f
rewriteDistr = rewriteExpr distr

The following are examples of incresting complexity.

distrExample1 :: Expr (Val :+: Add :+: Mul)
distrExample1 = val 2 %*% (val 3 %+% val 4)

mainDistrExample1 :: IO ()
mainDistrExample1 = do
    print distrExample1
    print $ rewriteDistr distrExample1
distrExample2 :: Expr (Val :+: Add :+: Mul)
distrExample2 = (val 2 %+% val 3) %*% val 4

mainDistrExample2 :: IO ()
mainDistrExample2 = do
    print distrExample2
    print $ rewriteDistr distrExample2
distrExample3 :: Expr (Val :+: Add :+: Mul)
distrExample3 = val 2  %*% ((val 3 %+% val 4) %*% val 5)

mainDistrExample3 :: IO ()
mainDistrExample3 = do
    print distrExample3
    print $ rewriteDistr distrExample3
distrExample4 :: Expr (Val :+: Add :+: Mul)
distrExample4 = (val 2 %+% val 3) %*% (val 4 %*% (val 5 %+% val 6))

mainDistrExample4 :: IO ()
mainDistrExample4 = do
    print distrExample4
    print $ rewriteDistr distrExample4
distrExample5 :: Expr (Val :+: Add :+: Mul)
distrExample5 =
  (val 2 %*% (val 3 %+% val 4)) %*%
  ((val 5 %+% val 6) %*% (val 7 %*% (val 8 %+% val 9)))

mainDistrExample5 :: IO ()
mainDistrExample5 = do
    print distrExample5
    print $ rewriteDistr distrExample5

All of the rewritten expressions are indeed in disjunctive normal form, but I am very interested in finding a better solution. If you know of a different solution or how to fix rewriteExpr to work with GHC 9, please let me know!

Monads for free

This section shows how a free monad is implemented in Haskell. It is used to implement a calculator memory cell.

A free monad is implemented as type Term. Note that an Applicative instance is now required for defining a Monad instance.

data Term f a
  = Pure a
  | Impure (f (Term f a))

instance Functor f => Functor (Term f) where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Term f a -> Term f b
  fmap f = \case
    Pure x   -> Pure (f x)
    Impure t -> Impure (fmap (fmap f) t)

instance Functor f => Applicative (Term f) where
  pure :: a -> Term f a
  pure x = Pure x

  (<*>) :: Term f (a -> b) -> Term f a -> Term f b
  Pure f   <*> t = fmap f t
  Impure f <*> t = Impure (fmap (<*> t) f)

instance Functor f => Monad (Term f) where
  return :: a -> Term f a
  return x = Pure x

  (>>=) :: Term f a -> (a -> Term f b) -> Term f b
  Pure x   >>= f = f x
  Impure t >>= f = Impure (fmap (>>= f) t)

The following examples are not used in the implementation.

data Zero a

data One a = One

newtype Const e a = Const e

The Incr and Recall types represent the “increment” and “recall” operations. Note that “increment” is not used to mean the addition of one; it represents the addition of an arbitrary value. These types have straightforward Functor instances.

data Incr t = Incr Int t

instance Functor Incr where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Incr a -> Incr b
  fmap f (Incr i g) = Incr i (f g)

newtype Recall t = Recall (Int -> t)

instance Functor Recall where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Recall a -> Recall b
  fmap f (Recall g) = Recall (f . g)

The smart constructors are implemented using an inject helper function, which I name injectTerm because there is already an inject function in this module.

injectTerm :: (g :<: f) => g (Term f a) -> Term f a
injectTerm = Impure . inj

incr :: (Incr :<: f) => Int -> Term f ()
incr i = injectTerm (Incr i (Pure ()))

recall :: (Recall :<: f) => Term f Int
recall = injectTerm (Recall Pure)

The tick function really does increment a value (by one). A note in the paper states that it can be given a more general type, which I use here.

tick :: (Recall :<: f, Incr :<: f) => Term f Int
tick = do
    y <- recall
    incr 1
    return y

While foldExpr folds an expression using an algebra, the foldTerm function folds a Term using separate functions for handling Pure and Impure. Note that I name the first argument pure' because pure is a Prelude function.

  :: forall f a b. Functor f
  => (a -> b) -> (f b -> b) -> Term f a -> b
foldTerm pure' impure = go
    go :: Term f a -> b
    go = \case
      Pure x   -> pure' x
      Impure t -> impure (fmap go t)

The Mem type represents the memory cell of a calculator.

newtype Mem = Mem Int
  deriving Show

Like Eval, a Run type class defines an algebra for running the operations, with implementations of each operation in instance definitions.

class Functor f => Run f where
  runAlgebra :: f (Mem -> (a, Mem)) -> (Mem -> (a, Mem))

instance Run Incr where
  runAlgebra :: Incr (Mem -> (a, Mem)) -> (Mem -> (a, Mem))
  runAlgebra (Incr k r) (Mem i) = r (Mem (i + k))

instance Run Recall where
  runAlgebra :: Recall (Mem -> (a, Mem)) -> (Mem -> (a, Mem))
  runAlgebra (Recall r) (Mem i) = r i (Mem i)

instance (Run f, Run g) => Run (f :+: g) where
  runAlgebra = \case
    Inl r -> runAlgebra r
    Inr r -> runAlgebra r

I wrote the type signatures like in the paper, which makes it clear that the member function is an algebra (type f a -> a), but note that the parenthesis around (Mem -> (a, Mem)) at the end of the signature are not necessary. In the instances for Incr and Recall, runAlgebra has two parameters. The first is f (Mem -> (a, Mem)) and the second is Mem, giving a return value of (a, Mem).

The run function is perhaps the most difficult to understand in the paper.

run :: Run f => Term f a -> Mem -> (a, Mem)
run = foldTerm (,) runAlgebra

The pure' parameter of foldTerm has type a -> b and is passed (,) which has type a -> b -> (a, b). In the usage of foldTerm, type parameter a remains a while type parameter b is interpreted as b -> (a, b), resulting in (f (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> (a, b)) -> Term f a -> b -> (a, b). The runAlgebra function matches the first three arguments of this, and b is interpreted as Mem, resulting in the type signature of run.

It is worthwhile to (mentally) step through the complete evaluation of run with the following basic values of Term (Pure, recall, and incr).

mainRunPure :: IO ()
mainRunPure = print $ run @Recall @Int (Pure 42) (Mem 0)

mainRunRecall :: IO ()
mainRunRecall = print $ run @Recall @Int recall (Mem 42)

mainRunIncr :: IO ()
mainRunIncr = print $ run @Incr @() (incr 42) (Mem 0)

Note that the TypeApplications extension is used to specify the type of f and a.

An example using tick is given. The paper does not require use of TypeApplications because it uses a specific type, while the following uses TypeApplications because the above definition of tick uses the more general type.

mainRunTick :: IO ()
mainRunTick = print $ run @(Recall :+: Incr) tick (Mem 4)


This section gives a brief demonstration of using free monads to model effects.

Four effectful functions are defined, categorized into two separate data types.

data Teletype a
  = GetChar (Char -> a)
  | PutChar Char a

instance Functor Teletype where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Teletype a -> Teletype b
  fmap f = \case
    GetChar g   -> GetChar (f . g)
    PutChar c g -> PutChar c (f g)

data FileSystem a
  = ReadFile FilePath (String -> a)
  | WriteFile FilePath String a

instance Functor FileSystem where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> FileSystem a -> FileSystem b
  fmap f = \case
    ReadFile path g    -> ReadFile path (f . g)
    WriteFile path s g -> WriteFile path s (f g)

An exec function can execute values of these data types using the Term free monad.

exec :: Exec f => Term f a -> IO a
exec = foldTerm return execAlgebra

Each value is executed using a function from Prelude, using an Exec type class.

class Functor f => Exec f where
  execAlgebra :: f (IO a) -> IO a

instance Exec Teletype where
  execAlgebra = \case
    GetChar f    -> Prelude.getChar >>= f
    PutChar c io -> Prelude.putChar c >> io

instance Exec FileSystem where
  execAlgebra = \case
    ReadFile path f    -> Prelude.readFile path >>= f
    WriteFile path s f -> Prelude.writeFile path s >> f

instance (Exec f, Exec g) => Exec (f :+: g) where
  execAlgebra = \case
    Inl e -> execAlgebra e
    Inr e -> execAlgebra e

The smart constructors can be defined as follows.

getChar :: (Teletype :<: f) => Term f Char
getChar = injectTerm (GetChar Pure)

putChar :: (Teletype :<: f) => Char -> Term f ()
putChar c = injectTerm (PutChar c (Pure ()))

readFile :: (FileSystem :<: f) => FilePath -> Term f String
readFile path = injectTerm (ReadFile path Pure)

writeFile :: (FileSystem :<: f) => FilePath -> String -> Term f ()
writeFile path s = injectTerm (WriteFile path s (Pure ()))

The cat function serves as an example of composition. In the following, I use a more general type than that used in the paper. I also refactored the implementation, using mapM_ instead of mapM to avoid discarding the resulting list of unit.

cat :: (FileSystem :<: f, Teletype :<: f) => FilePath -> Term f ()
cat path = mapM_ putChar =<< readFile path

The following example uses the cat function to print the content of the file in this directory.

mainCat :: IO ()
mainCat = exec @(FileSystem :+: Teletype) $ cat ""

Travis Cardwell

