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GHC 9.2 Alpine Segmentation Fault

While working on ghc-musl today, I happened to run the ghci command to run a REPL in a container, and it crashed with a segmentation fault! I just created a minimal container to reproduce the issue and check which versions crash.

/ # cat /etc/alpine-release
/ # ghci-9.2.4
GHCi, version 9.2.4:  :? for help
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

It looks like all GHC 9.2 versions crash. GHC 9.0 and GHC 8.10 versions do not crash.

The minimal Dockerfile is available on GitHub. Note that this minimal version uses the root user, but I tested with a non-root user and got the same results.

I searched for existing issues and was unable to find one that is relevant. I plan on creating a new issue, and I am currently waiting for approval from an administrator for my new Haskell GitLab account.